Scripture: Isaiah 52:13-53:3 Sermon Outline Introduction, I. God's Announcement II. Gentile Astonishment III. Jewish Aversion Conclusion
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. The Church is an Heavenly Sacred Nation, II. The State is an Earthly Profane Nation,…
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Abraham's Dilemma, II. Our Dilemma, III. 1300 Years After Abraham, Conclusion
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Passover to Lord's Supper to Marriage Supper of the Lamb, II. Covenant Meal of Ratification,…
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Love Treasures the Great Treasure (knowing God) 8-11, II. Love is Reciprocated as Glory in…
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. God has established His covenant households through the Bible, II. God's covenant dealings continue to…
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Heir Under Guardians and Managers 1 -3, II. When (Untill) the Fullness of the Time…
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Visible Sign and Seal, II. Invisible Grace Signified and Sealed, III. Sacramental Union between Sign…
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Man and Woman in Creation (looking back), II. Man and Woman in the Consumation (looking…
Sermon Outline - Introduction; I. Review; II. Taking Up the Cross; III. Apostle to Elders; IV. Sacraments Identify the Visible…
Sermon Outline - Introduction; I. Law Until Christ; II. Law a Guardian/Pedagogue; III. Sonship, Righteousness, Inheritance; IV. The Promise Seed…
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. The Confession of the King, II. The Church of the King, III. The Keys of…
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Different Covenants of Inheritance 15-18, II. Why the Law? 19-20, III. Is the Law contrary…
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Election of the Office, II. Esteem of the Office, Conclusion
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Heresy - Gospel Gobbledygook, II. The Corrective - Gospel Grace, III. The Conclusion of the…
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Officers, II. Outcome, III. Ornaments, Conclusion
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Promise (Abraham), II. Law (Moses), III. The Promise vs. The Law (Habakuk), IV. Resolution (Jesus…
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Abraham Justified by Faith 6-7, II. The Nations Justified by Faith 8-9, Conclusion
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. The Faithful Preaching of the Word, II. The Proper Administration of the Sacraments, III. The…
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Covenant Lord, II. Covenant Community, III. Covenant Bond, Conclusion
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Bewitched, II. Billboarded, III. Back Track, IV. Believed, Conclusion
In the conclusion of Hebrews, we receive a tale of two cities.
Here we see enemies assaulting the gospel and the apostles who proclaim it.
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. What is the Kingdom of God? II. How is the Kingdom of God recieved? rejected?…
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Worship of God, II. Way of God, III. Wait on God, Conclusion
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Meaning, A. Signs and Seals of the New Covenant, B. Lord's Supper is a communion…
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Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Our Dwelling 1-2, II. Our Dustiness 3-6, III. Our Damnation 7-10, IV. Our Delusion 11,…
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. New Life, II. Produces Good Works, III. That are NOT Meritorious, IV. Because ONLY Christ…
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Abraham, II. David, III. Exile (Moses), IV. Christ, Conclusion
A Christmas 2014 greeting from Covenant United Reformed Church
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. What is the Doctrine? II. Why is it Important? III. Why, by Faith Alone? IV.…
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Old Covenant, II. New Covenant, Conclusion
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Prayer of David, II. Prayer of Christ, 1-3 Deliverance Appreciated, 4-5 Deliverance Man vs Proud,…
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. False Brothers 1-5, II. Fellowship of Brothers 6-10, III. Fading Brothers 11-14, Conclusion
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Holy Kingdom, II. No Fallen Flesh and Blood Left to Enter the Kingdom, III. Two…
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Revelation 11-12, II. Reason 13-20, III. Result 21-24, Conclusion
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Person, II. Priesthood, III. Propitiation, IV. Power, Conclusion
Sermon Outline - Introduction I. Why Do People Become Unthankful? II. How Do Unthankful People become Thankful? III. How Can…
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. The Crusher Anticipated, II. The Crusher Arrived, III. The Crusher Applied, Conclusion
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Amazement, II. Alteration, III. Angels & Apostles, IV. Anathema, V. Allegiance, Conclusion
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Boundaries of Eternal Election, II. Basis of Eternal Election, III. Benefits of Eternal Election, IV.…
Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. The Man, II. His Message, Conclusion
Sermon Outline - I. Created, II. Covanant, III. Corruption, IV. Captivity, V. Confrontation, VI. Clothing
Sermon Outline - I. Law Precedes Gospel; II. Why - 1. The law condemns us for our sins so we…
Sermon Outline - I. The Concept of Providence, II. The Control of Providence, III. The Caution of Providence, IV. The…
Sermon Outline - I. Be Secure 1-3, II. Be Slaked 4-7, III. Be Still 8-11
Sermon Outline. Introduction. I God's Work (Heavens & Earth) - 1 Light/Dark, 2 Water Above/Waters Below, 3 Land/Sea, 4 Greater…
Habakkuk's complaint to God, Violence! Not Right! Not Fair! God's Answer and Promise of Justification by Faith and Hinds Feet…
Holy Scriptures teach us that the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit have each His personality, distinguished by…