servant of the Lord

Christ Equipped and Commissioned (LD 8; Isaiah 61:1,2; Luke 4:16-19) | 2012 Catechism Sermons

Luke recounts Christ entering the synagogue and reading from the prophet Isaiah. We would be honored to experience such a…

13 years ago

Almighty Counselor (LD 6; Isaiah 9:6) | 2012 Catechism Sermons

If we face a mighty enemy we want a strong warrior to defend us. If we are discouraged in life…

13 years ago

Can We Be Separated from the Love of God? (Romans 8:31-39; LD 10) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

We believe that God is sovereign and all powerful. He promises to defeat Satan in the opening of scripture. This…

16 years ago

The Servant of the Lord: "Man of Sorrows" (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)

We finish our series of the Servant Songs in Isaiah. There is the unfolding of these songs in the covenant…

17 years ago

The Servant of the Lord: "From Judged to Judge" (Isaiah 50:4-11)

We conclude this year with the third servant song of the Lord. Here there is a disclosure for us to…

17 years ago

The Servant of the Lord: "Israel the Shepherd Gatherer" (Isaiah 49:1-7)

Isaiah's Servant of the Lord continues to develop. We find that this servant is a mighty warrior, but despite being…

17 years ago

The Servant of the Lord: "A Bruised Reed He will not Break"(Isaiah 42:1-9)

Who is this servant of the Lord? Why is He different from the kings and liberators of this age? Isaiah…

17 years ago