redemptive historical

Eternal or Grave Consequences? (Belgic Confession Article 14; Genesis 2:17; Matthew 25:46) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

All people have experienced death to some degree. This can range from grieving the death of an animal to the…

16 years ago

My Only Comfort (LD 1; John 17) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

What is your only comfort in life and in death? Have you ever really pondered this question? What sort of…

16 years ago

Resting in the Resurrection (Ephesians 1:15-23)

At some time in your life you probably have thought that if Christ is in heaven then how can he…

16 years ago

Our Catechism Series for 2008-2009 | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

Thank you for staying subscribed to our podcast. The catechism series for 2008-2009 is finished, but another series on the…

16 years ago

Walking the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)

Today is called "Easter." This is a Sunday that commemorates the resurrection of Christ. Do we as Christians understand why…

16 years ago

Lead Us Not into Temptation (Luke 11:4; LD 52) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

We conclude our study of the Lord’s prayer with our request for the Lord not to lead us into temptation.…

16 years ago

What is Good about Good Friday? (Luke 23:26-49)

Today is called "Good Friday." What is good about this day? How long have we contemplated the implications of the…

16 years ago

Palm Sunday: The Tribute King (Genesis 49; Zechariah 9:9; Luke 19:28-40)

What is the significance of Palm Sunday? Have you really thought about what the day meant? Is it something that…

16 years ago

Forgive Us Our Debts (Luke 11:4; LD 51) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

What would you say if your bank called you one day and told you not to make another payment on…

16 years ago

Why I'm not an Atheist: Chaos to Cohesion

The butterfly effect or chaos theory holds that an arbitrary event of a butterfly flapping its wings can trigger a…

16 years ago

Why I'm not an Atheist: Consensus or Creator?

What does it mean to supress the truth in unrighteousness? Can man stand in judgement wondering if God has given…

16 years ago

Your Kingdom Come (Psalm 2; LD 48)

Pastor Lindemulder has the privilege to exchange pulpits with Rev. Adrian Dieleman from Trinity URC in Visalia, CA. If you…

16 years ago

Guilt, Innocence, and Judgement (Matthew 27:1-10)

Pastor Lindemulder has the privilege to exchange pulpits with Rev. Adrian Dieleman from Trinity URC in Visalia, CA. If you…

16 years ago

So, Why is Grace So Gracious? (Genesis 15)

The Lord is a gracious God. However, how gracious is our Lord? Do we really understand the depth of our…

16 years ago

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread (Luke 11:3; LD 50) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

When we think of the Lord’s prayer many times we think that this is a prayer that should be concerned…

16 years ago

Your Will Be Done (Matthew 6:5-15; LD 49) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

What does it mean to do the will of God? What is more, why do the will of God? How…

16 years ago

The Father's Adopted Heirs (Ephesians 1:3-14)

When we think of the book of Ephesians we probably think of the marriage of Christ and the church. We…

16 years ago

Your Kingdom Come (Luke 11:2; LD 48) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

When Christ enters history the kingdom comes with Christ. However, when we are taught to pray in the Lord’s prayer…

16 years ago

Greeting the New Israel (Ephesians 1:1-2)

When we open to a New Testament letter do we ever really stop to pause and consider the greeting? The…

16 years ago

Hallowed Be Your Name (Luke 11:2; LD 47) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

Christ tells us to pray that God’s name would be hallowed. We may not know what this term means, but…

16 years ago

Covenant Renewal Part 2 (Joshua 24)

Our study in the book of Joshua comes to a close. Our fearless leader is going to die, and be…

16 years ago

Our Father in Heaven (Luke 11:2) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

Why do we pray our Father? What right do we have to pray, "Our Father in Heaven?" What does this…

16 years ago

Joshua's Covenant Renewal (Joshua 23:1-16)

After Christ’s ascension there is the promise of the outpouring of the Spirit. When Luke recounts this in Luke 24…

16 years ago

What Does Prayer Have to do with the Kingdom? (Luke 11:5-13; LD 45) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

The disciples have a privilege of walking with Jesus while He is on this earth. This is something that is…

16 years ago

Holy War Again? (Joshua 22:1-34)

The book of Joshua is coming to a conclusion. The tension at the beginning of the book is finally coming…

16 years ago

Judged by the Law of Liberty (James 2:8-13; LD 44) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

f it is true that Christ’s merits have kept the law in our place, then why should we keep the…

16 years ago

Cities of Levi (Joshua 21:1-45)

The priests approach Joshua with a request to receive their cities. Israel gives them these cities. Why is it significant…

16 years ago

The Cities of Refuge (Joshua 20:1-9)

The people of Israel have received their inheritance. The land has been divided as the Lord commanded. Now, we find…

16 years ago

Judge Not Lest you Be Judged (Matthew 7:1-7; LD 43) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

Christians are called to be discerning. We are to judge or discern between right and wrong. We are called to…

16 years ago

What Does the Golden Rule have to do with Stealing? (Matthew 7:12-14; LD 42) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

Stealing is something that the Christian should oppose. However, what is stealing? What does the golden rule have to do…

16 years ago

The Fullness of the Land (Joshua 19; Revelation 7:1-12)

The people of Israel receive their land, but as history unfolds they do not possess the land as Jacob declared.…

16 years ago

What is Adultery? (Ephesians 5:15-33 ; LD 41) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

Moses states that the secret things belong to the Lord. However, the apostle Paul states that we are to know…

16 years ago

Benjamin's Inheritance (Joshua 18:11-28)

Moses states that the secret things belong to the Lord. The seven tribes have been rebuked by Joshua. The seven…

16 years ago

Can One Success Take Away Seven Failings (Joshua 18:1-10)

The first time that Israel sent scouts into the land they came back with a false report. They started a…

16 years ago

What does Love Have to do with Murder? (I Corinthians 13:4-7; LD 40) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

What is love? I am sure that there are many different answers that could and would be given to this…

16 years ago

Lord of gods: Our Song (Revelation 15-1-4)

We witnessed the song of Israel on the banks of the sea. They sang the praises to the living God.…

16 years ago

Who are the Subjects? (Colossians 3:18-4:1; LD 39) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

We are a people secured by Christ and maintained in Christ for the day of Glory. If this is the…

16 years ago

Lord of gods: Caesar's Kingdom? (Luke 2:1-21)

A successful mission is evaluated by how well the objective is accomplished. In the world’s eye the more people impacted…

16 years ago

The Sojourning Sabbath People (Hebrews 4:1-14; Lord’s Day 14) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

As we sjourn through this age there are many times that we might ask, "where are we going?" There are…

16 years ago

When Can We Take an Oath? (Matthew 5:33-37; LD 37) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

We are those who bear witness to the name of the Lord as we are secured by the Lord. The…

16 years ago

The Lord of gods: Provisional and Eternal (Luke 1:39-52)

We studied the song of Moses last week. This is a song where Moses celebrates the victory of the Lord.…

16 years ago

Who May Call on the Name of the Lord (Matthew 7:21-23; LD 36) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

Christ states in Matthew seven that the workers of iniquity are to go away for he does not know them.…

16 years ago

Manasseh's Inheritance (Joshua 17:1-18)

The thought of having one’s name blotted out of the book of life is a terrifying thought. This means that…

16 years ago

Ephraim's Inheritance (Joshua 16:1-10)

When Rebecca hears from the Lord that she has two children in her womb the Lord states something that is…

16 years ago

Treasures in Heaven (Matthew 6:19-24; LD 34) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

When we see the opening of Christ’s ministry we notice that it is Christ who gives the blessings of the…

16 years ago

Christian Liberty (Romans 14:1-23 LD 33) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

One man eats the sacrificed meat and another man does not eat the meat. Who is wrong and who is…

16 years ago

An Unlikely Recipient (Joshua 14:1-15)

When Jesus debuted in the temple there is no doubt that people ask who is this Jesus? It was clear…

16 years ago

Why and How Do We Conform to Christ? (LD 32; BC 24; Romans 6:1-14) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

One of the great tenants of the reformation is grace alone. This means that we are those who are saved…

16 years ago

The Foolish Wisdom (LD 31; 1 Corinthians 1:18-2:5) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

The keys of the kingdom are given to the church. Does this mean that the church opens or closes the…

16 years ago

A Suffering Servant's Provision (Joshua 13:8-33)

Moses has died, but yet he did great things in Canaan. How do we account for this accomplishment? Why is…

16 years ago