good shepherd

The Shepherd's Trial (John 10:22-42)

You can see in scripture in many places that God is a shepherd of His people. I hope that we…

12 years ago

Do You Follow the Good Shepherd? (John 10:1-21)

In today's world it would sound strange to say that we cherish the Lord being a shepherd. One might wonder…

12 years ago

Our Good Shepherd (John 10:1-21)

We have been consider the theme of God as Shepherd in scripture for this Christmas season. The Lord has revealed…

13 years ago

Secured Without Merit? (John 10:28, 29; Ephesians 2:8; Canons of Dordt Head 2 Article 8) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

It is a blessing to possess everlasting life now. However, how do we receive this life? If the Lord merely…

16 years ago

Why Are There Two Natures? (John 10:22-30, Belgic Confession Article 19) | 2008-2009 Catechism Sermons

The prophet Ezekiel promises that God will come as the good shepherd to gather His people into one flock. There…

17 years ago