
To Those who are Elect Exile (1 Peter 1:1-9)

Living as exiles and pilgrims in a world that isn't our true home

11 years ago

The Best for Last (Heidelberg Catechism QA 78, John 2:1-11)

Replacing the inadequacy of an old covenant with a fullness of redemption in Jesus Christ.

11 years ago

The Autobiography of a Changed Man (Psalm 73, 2 Corinthians 5:17, Colossians 3:1-2)

Transforming from an old man in Adam into a New Man in Jesus Christ

11 years ago

The Rock of our Salvation (1 Corinthians 10:1-13, Exodus 17:1-7)

God's graceous provisions for our needs

11 years ago

Naughty or Nice? (Belgic Confession Article 21, Mathew 19:16-26)

With God's law there is no wigle-room

11 years ago

When God Seems Absent (Psalm 22)

Being grounded in God's promises in the worst of times

11 years ago

Prepared or Unprepared? (Matthew 25:1-13)

Wise who prepare, Foolish who pretend, and the Groom approaching.

11 years ago

From Now On (Lord's Day 1; Isaiah 9:1-7, Colossians 2:6-12)

Believing the Nature and Authority of God's Word

11 years ago

Warnings from Jesus (Luke 12:1-12)

Preparing to be left behind, but not alone

11 years ago

From Death to Life (Lord's Day 23, QA 60)

Stillborn under Tyranny, Reborn under Liberty, and Crafted for Sanctity

11 years ago

The More Excellent Way (1 Corinthians 13:1-13)

Priority of Love, Principles of Love, and Permanence of Love.

11 years ago

Prayer for All People (Lord's Day 49)

What is its power and its saving purpose?

11 years ago

The Nature of Christ's Kingdom (Mathew 5:1-12)

Christ's Kingdom is a Kingdom of Comfort, a Kingdom of Mercy, a Kingdom of Fullness, and a Kingdom of Peace.

11 years ago

Coveting Contentment, Lord's Day 44, Exodus 20:17

The moral law and how it still applies

11 years ago

Judgement That is Not Judgmental, 1 Corinthians 5

What is the church discipline? Why should we do it? How does it benefit us in the world that we…

11 years ago

A funny thing happened on the way to the temple, Lord's Day 6, Mark 11:15-19

What was the proper way to approach the temple of God?

11 years ago

Remember, Remember; 1 John 2_18-27

Holding fast to God's promises in the last hour.

11 years ago

Eucharistic Man, Heidelberg Catechism LD 45, Psalm 8

Why is it that the man is unimpressed with God's gifts?

11 years ago

Becoming what You Behold, You Are what You Adore; 2 Corinthians 3:12-18

What does it mean to be transformed into an image Christ?

11 years ago

The Purpose of Peace, Heidelberg Catechism QA 107, James 3:17-4:10

What does it mean to seek peace in the church?

11 years ago

Citizens of the Kingdom, Matthew 13:44-46

What is the Kingdom's worth?

11 years ago

The Gospel Light that Conquers the Darkness, Lord's Day 10, QA 27-28

Why do we complain that wicked are not being punished as they should be, but are quick to exonerate ourselves?

11 years ago

Where is the Glory? 1 Samuel 4:1-22

Glory departed, Glory lamented, and Glory returned.

11 years ago

The Perfect Man, Lord's Day 43, James 3:1-12

Our speech, how does it affect us and everything else in our lives?

11 years ago

Pressing On For the Prize, Philippians 3:12-17

Can we achieve the perfection?

11 years ago

The Armor of the King, Lord's Day 45, Ephesians 6:10-20

Apostle Paul and his analogy of The Armor of the King. Where is coming from and where is he going…

11 years ago

Believing the Unbelievable, John 1:18, 20:24-31

How is it that we believe, the things that we believe? How is it that we come to believe the…

11 years ago

The Ninth Commandment, Heidelberg Catechism QA 112.mp3

Seeing Jesus through the Ninth Commandment of the God's Law.

11 years ago

God's McGuffin (Part 2); Genesis 17:15-21, 21:1-12, 22:1-18

Why were people of the Old Testament so concerned about an offspring, particularly a son?

11 years ago

The Eighth Commandment, Heidelberg Catechism LD 42, Exodus 20:15

How can God's law be a love, joy, and a delight to us? How can it help us guide others…

11 years ago

God's McGuffin (Part 1), Genesis 3:1-24

It's because of Genesis 3

11 years ago

Christ Builds His Church, Heidelberg Catechism Lord's Day 46, Acts 7:54-60

The death of Stephen isn't an odd thing and it's not some bizarre moment. It's an ordinary day in a…

11 years ago

Weeds or Wheat? Mathew 13:24-30, 36-43

What is the emphasis in the parable of the weeds and the wheat? What is it that the Christ is…

11 years ago

A Prayerful Introduction, Heidelberg Catechism QA 116, Colossians 1:1-14

Epistle to Colossians is an epistle primarily for gentiles, what are we to learn from it?

11 years ago

The Scattered Seed, Acts 13:1-9,18-23

What are we being taught in the parable of the sower? What is the message that Christ is trying to…

11 years ago

Why Parables? Heidelberg Catechism QA 31, Mathew 13:10-17

Sometimes the big picture is harder to understand.

11 years ago

What Shall We Do? Acts 2:37-41

Apostle Peter's sermon and a powerful reaction that it leads to.

11 years ago

Give Thanks for the Church, 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

The Church is God's idea.

11 years ago

Rejoice in your Baptism, Lord's Day 26-27, Acts 8:26-40

Have you thought of your Baptism lately?

11 years ago

Summary of Christian Duty (Mathew 22:34-40)

Summary of Christian duty, what is its purpose, prominence, and prescription?

11 years ago

Conqueror's Crown (James 1:12-25)

Jewel of holiness, jewel humility, and jewel honesty. Life jewels for the life crown.

11 years ago

Paid in Full, LD 30 (Hebrews 10:1-25)

Jesus paid it all! Full satisfaction to God's justice has been accomplished.

11 years ago

God's Ladder (Genesis 28:10-17)

What is the communion with God? How do we enter it?

11 years ago

Happy Happy! (Ephesians 2:1-10)

Happy Happy? Isn't one Happy enough?

11 years ago

Dealing With Difficulties (James 1:2-15)

There are many ways that people try to cope with problems of life. What is the christian way? What will…

11 years ago

Torn Comfortably in Two (Philippians 1:19-26)

Apostle Paul, feeling conflicted about what the future has in store for him.

11 years ago

Epistle of Straw (James 1:1)

How does epistle of James compare to other biblical books and scriptures? Can we favor one scripture over the other?

11 years ago

Hallowed be YOUR Name (LD 47; Luke 11:2) | 2012 Catechism Sermons

When we memorize the Lord's prayer we use this strange language for the Lord to hallow His name. What does…

12 years ago