
Enemies Assault the Gospel (Acts 5:16-42)

Here we see enemies assaulting the gospel and the apostles who proclaim it.

10 years ago

Seek First the Kingdom of God (Heidelberg Catechism QA 49; Haggai 1:1-9, Matthew 6:19-33, Mark 1:15)

Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. What is the Kingdom of God? II. How is the Kingdom of God recieved? rejected?…

10 years ago

Thy Face, O Lord, I Shall Seek (Psalm 27)

Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Worship of God, II. Way of God, III. Wait on God, Conclusion

10 years ago

Communion: Eating Christs Flesh & Drinking Christs Blood (Heidelberg Catechism QA 76-79; Exodus 24:1-11, 1 Corinthians 10:16-17)

Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Meaning, A. Signs and Seals of the New Covenant, B. Lord's Supper is a communion…

10 years ago

Happy New Year from Covenant United Reformed Church

Web Site - www.fresnourc.com Facebook Page - www.facebook.com/fresnourc YouTube - www.youtube.com/user/fresnocurc iTunes - itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/covenant-urcs/id373736493?mt=2

10 years ago

Teach Us to Number Our Days (Psalm 90)

Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Our Dwelling 1-2, II. Our Dustiness 3-6, III. Our Damnation 7-10, IV. Our Delusion 11,…

10 years ago

Sanctification (Belgic Confession Article 24, Titus 2:11-3:8)

Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. New Life, II. Produces Good Works, III. That are NOT Meritorious, IV. Because ONLY Christ…

10 years ago

From Ichabod to Immanuel (Matthew 1)

Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Abraham, II. David, III. Exile (Moses), IV. Christ, Conclusion

10 years ago

Merry Christmas from Covenant United Reformed Church

A Christmas 2014 greeting from Covenant United Reformed Church

10 years ago

Justification by Faith (Belgic Confession Article 22-23, Romans 4:1-8)

Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. What is the Doctrine? II. Why is it Important? III. Why, by Faith Alone? IV.…

10 years ago

Christ: The Only Cure for A Bad Record and A Bad Heart, (Galatians 2:15-21)

Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Old Covenant, II. New Covenant, Conclusion

10 years ago

Something to Talk About (Heidelberg Catechism QA 60; Psalm 40, Hebrew 10:1-10)

Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Prayer of David, II. Prayer of Christ, 1-3 Deliverance Appreciated, 4-5 Deliverance Man vs Proud,…

10 years ago

Gospel Conspiracies (Galatians 2:1-14)

Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. False Brothers 1-5, II. Fellowship of Brothers 6-10, III. Fading Brothers 11-14, Conclusion

10 years ago

The End of the Millennium (Heidelberg Catechism QA 84, 123; Psalm 110, 1 Corinthians 15:20-28)

Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Holy Kingdom, II. No Fallen Flesh and Blood Left to Enter the Kingdom, III. Two…

10 years ago

Traditions: Old and New (Galatians 1:11-24)

Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Revelation 11-12, II. Reason 13-20, III. Result 21-24, Conclusion

10 years ago

Christ: His Person, Priesthood, Propitiation and Power (Belgic Confession Article 19-21; Genesis 14:17-24, Hebrews 2:14-18, Psalm 110)

Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Person, II. Priesthood, III. Propitiation, IV. Power, Conclusion

10 years ago

Thanking Who for What? Romans 1:8, 18-21; II Corinthians 4:16-18; Ephesians 1:15-16; Colossians 1:3-4, 2:6-7; I Thessalonians 1:2-5; II Thessalonians 2:13-14

Sermon Outline - Introduction I. Why Do People Become Unthankful? II. How Do Unthankful People become Thankful? III. How Can…

10 years ago

Christ, the Head Crusher (Belgic Confession Article 17-18; Genesis 3:15, Mathew 1:20-23, John 1:1,14, Galatians 4:3-7, Colossians 2:13-15, 1 John 3:7-8, Revelation 12:10-11)

Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. The Crusher Anticipated, II. The Crusher Arrived, III. The Crusher Applied, Conclusion

10 years ago

A Perverted Gospel is a Deserted Gospel (Galatians 1:6-10)

Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Amazement, II. Alteration, III. Angels & Apostles, IV. Anathema, V. Allegiance, Conclusion

10 years ago

Not a Chance! (Belgic Confession Article 16, Matthew 11:25-30, John 6:37-39, Acts 13:46-48, Romans 9:10-13, Ephesians 1:3-6, 2 Timothy 1:8-10)

Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. Boundaries of Eternal Election, II. Basis of Eternal Election, III. Benefits of Eternal Election, IV.…

10 years ago

Intro to Galatians: Paul, the Man & His Message (Galatians 1:1-5)

Sermon Outline - Introduction, I. The Man, II. His Message, Conclusion

10 years ago

Man: Created, Corrupted, Confronted, Clothed in Christ (Belgic Confession Article 14-15; Genesis 2:4-3:24)

Sermon Outline - I. Created, II. Covanant, III. Corruption, IV. Captivity, V. Confrontation, VI. Clothing

10 years ago

The Law-Gospel Distinction (Galatians 3:6-14)

Sermon Outline - I. Law Precedes Gospel; II. Why - 1. The law condemns us for our sins so we…

10 years ago

History is His Story (Belgic Confession Article 13; Daniel 45:34-37, Isaiah 40:21-24, Acts 17:22-28)

Sermon Outline - I. The Concept of Providence, II. The Control of Providence, III. The Caution of Providence, IV. The…

10 years ago

Be Still and Know that I Am God (Revelation 7:9-17, Psalm 46)

Sermon Outline - I. Be Secure 1-3, II. Be Slaked 4-7, III. Be Still 8-11

10 years ago

God's Glorious Creation: Beginning and End (Belgic Confession Article 12, Genesis 1:1-2:3)

Sermon Outline. Introduction. I God's Work (Heavens & Earth) - 1 Light/Dark, 2 Water Above/Waters Below, 3 Land/Sea, 4 Greater…

10 years ago

Hope in the Face of Horror (Habakkuk 1:1-2:4, 3:17-19)

Habakkuk's complaint to God, Violence! Not Right! Not Fair! God's Answer and Promise of Justification by Faith and Hinds Feet…

10 years ago

The Trinity (Belgic Confession Article 8 – 11; Mathew 28:18-20)

Holy Scriptures teach us that the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit have each His personality, distinguished by…

10 years ago

Disciples: True and False (John 2:23-25)

An inadequate faith produces sporadic, showy, and skeptical disciples and followers. Jesus Christ produces true, genuine, and sincere followers and…

10 years ago

Words of the Covenant (Belgic Confession Article 2-3; Hebrews 1:1-2, Hebrews 2:1-4, 2 Peter 1:20-21)

Scripture as Divine-Human Word, Scripture as Covenant Canons, and Scripture as Window to Christ

10 years ago

Subversives (Joel 3:9-17, 1 Corinthians 15:50-54)

Raising the Weak, Recompensing the Wicked, Rocking the World, and Revealing Mount Zion

10 years ago

Knowing God through Creation and Covenants (Belgic Confession Article 2; Romans 1:18-21, Psalm 19)

Word of Creation, Word of the Old Covenant, and Word of the New Covenant

10 years ago

Restoration and Retribution (Acts 15:12-19, Joel 3:1-8)

Restoration, Retrebution, and Realization

10 years ago

A Single Diamond of Light with Many Sides of Brilliance (Belgic Confession Article 1; Exodus 33:17-34:8, Deuteronomy 6:4, Romans 3:23-26, Ephesians 1:19-20, 3:14-17, James 1:17)

Single, simple, spirit, and creator; eternal, incomprehensible, invisible, immutable, infinite, and almighty; perfectly wise, just, and good

10 years ago

The Heavenly Community: Signs & Survivors (Joel 2:28-32)

Cosmic Signs, Church's Signs, Childhood Signs, the Sign of the Cross, and the Sign of Survivors

10 years ago

The Heavenly Community: Spirit & Speech (Acts 2)

To leave the Church is to leave Christ. Attend a Church commited to Sola Scriptura. Attend a Church anchored in…

10 years ago

From Old Covenant Locusts to New Covenant Shalom (Heidelberg Catechism QA 60-61, 88-90; Joel 2:12-27)

Grain Wine, and Oil; Early and Later Rains; Replace the Locust Years with Eternal Shalom; and No More Shame

10 years ago

Fabric of Life, Dyed in Christ (Psalm 118)

Trouble, Triumph, Temple, and Thanksgiving

10 years ago

The Shepherd & Me: Life in Covenant with God (Heidelberg Catechism QA 83-85; Psalm 23, Mathew 18:12-14)

Jesus is Enough, He Feeds My Soul, He Restores Me When I Stray, He Guides Me In Righteousness, He Goes…

10 years ago

The Day of the Lord, Who Can Endure it? (Joel 2:1-14, Revelation 6:12-17)

The Theophanic Cloud and Chariot, the Collapse of Creation, Who Can Endure it? and Rend Your Heart Not Your Garments

10 years ago

God of the Storm and of the Shalom (Belgic Confession Article 28, Psalm 29)

A Call to the Lord's Worship, the Voice of the Lord's Word, and the Lord's Benediction Word

10 years ago

From Cursed Locust to Blessed Life in Christ (Joel 1, Mathew 3:1-4, John 1:29-33)

Life in the Land, Locusts in the Land, Lamentation in the Land, and the Lushness in the Land

10 years ago

Blessings From Jerusalem to the World (Heidelberg Catechism QA 60-61, Psalm 67)

Have we received this blessing? have we received the life eternal in Jesus Christ?

10 years ago

The Single Key of Grace and Truth (2 Thessalonians 2:13-16)

The Grace of Thanks, the Grace of Christ, the Grace of Spirit, the Grace of the Father, and the Grace…

10 years ago

Weeds: Resisted, Rooted, and Uprooted (Belgic Confession Article 29, 2 Thessalonians 2:5-12)

Revelation and mystery of lawlessness, restraint of lawlessness, recognition of lawlessness, reprobation of lawlessness, and robes of righteousness

10 years ago

Worship & Warning (Psalm 95)

Sacred Singing, Solemn Sumission, and Spiritually Saturated

10 years ago

The Apostate's Creed (Heidelberg Catechism QA 6-8, Psalm 14)

The creed of Apostates, the condition of Apostates, the conflict of Apostates, and the cry of Apostates.

10 years ago