
You Are A Chosen People (Exodus 19:6, 1 Peter 2:9; LD 32) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

Peter opens his letter telling us that the church is the new Israel in exile. Why would Peter say such…

17 years ago

Tranquility to Turmoil (Amos 6:1-14)

Woe to you who are at ease in Zion. Woe? What is the prophet saying? This is the place where…

17 years ago

Untamable Tongue (James 3:1-12)

James says that we all stumble in many ways. However, James also says that no human being can tame their…

17 years ago

Justified by Works? (James 2:14-26)

James says "that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone." This sounds like James is contradicting…

17 years ago

For Richer or Poorer (James 2:1-7)

The prophet Amos speaks of the Lord bringing his judgment against the nations and even Israel herself. Despite this warning,…

17 years ago

Mirroring our Inheritance (James 1:19-27)

Moses told Israel that Israel will be a holy Nation and they will be a priestly people. The prophets came…

17 years ago

Contrasting Births (James 1:13-18)

The apostle Paul exhorts the saints in light of the Holy Spirit being present in them. For the apostle Paul…

17 years ago

The Refining Fire of Steadfastness (James 1:2-12)

We are all familiar with the popular slogan, "Don't Worry Be Happy." James tells us to consider it a joy…

17 years ago

The Epistle of Straw? (James 1:1)

Martin Luther called the book of James an Epistle of Straw. Luther did not think that this book belonged in…

17 years ago

The Dreaded Day of the Lord? (Amos 5:18-27)

Peter describes the day of the Lord in the third chapter of his second letter. He actually exhorts the church…

17 years ago

Suffering Without Shame (I Peter 4:12-19)

Please enjoy this sermon from Rev. Findley who filled the pulpit while Rev. Lindemulder was on vacation. Rev. Findley preaches…

17 years ago

Judge so Not to Be Judged (I Cor. 11:27-34; LD 30) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

The Corinthian church is fractured, divided, and continues to fall into sin. The apostle Paul warns that some of died…

17 years ago

Israel's Death Dirge (Amos 5:1-17)

Joshua 4 recounts the Israelites entering in the Land of Canaan. They set up their monument at Gilgal testifying to…

17 years ago

One Body One People (I Cor. 11:17-34; I Cor. 10:1-22; LD 28) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

If children are members of the covenant community by baptism, does this mean that children can partake of the Lord's…

18 years ago

Applying the Ordeal Sign (Gen. 17:7; Acts 2:29-41; LD 27) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

In Genesis 17:7 The Lord says to Abraham that he makes an everlasting covenant with Abraham. Why is it so…

18 years ago

Circumcised without Hands (Col. 2:11-12; LD 26) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

The apostle Paul tells us that we are those who have been baptized into Christ and circumcised in Christ. This…

18 years ago

Sacramental Signs (Genesis 17:1-14; Rom. 4:1-12 LD 25) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

There is no doubt that we are secured by the merits of Christ. We have learned that as we take…

18 years ago

Abide in Me (John 15:1-17; LD 24) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

We heard in Lord's day 23 that the Lord is the one who secures our eternal identity by the work…

18 years ago

Glorify Me (John 17; LD 23) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

Thank you for downloading our Podcast published on May 13th, 2007. Lord's day 23 of the Heidelberg asks the question,…

18 years ago

Shedding our Tent for A House (2 Cor. 5:1-10; LD 22) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

Thank you for downloading our podcast published on May 6th, 2007. Lord's day 22 of the Heidelberg Catechism continues with…

18 years ago

Heavenly Saints Sealed for Glory (Eph. 1:11-14; LD 21) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

Thank you for downloading our Podcast published on April 29th, 2007. Lord's day 21 of the Heidelberg Catechism continues with…

18 years ago

The Spirit of the Lord Has Come Upon Me (Isa. 60:1; Luke 4:19,20; LD 20) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

Lord's day 20 of the Heidelberg Catechism continues with the Apostles Creed. The catechism looks at the third person of…

18 years ago

What's Good about the Ascension? (Psalm 110; Ephesians 1:15-23; LD 19) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

Lord's day 19 of the Heidelberg Catechism continues with the Apostles Creed, and what it says about the ascension of…

18 years ago

Ascended into Heaven (Luke 24:36-53; LD 18) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

Lord's day 18 of the Heidelberg Catechism lays out the significance of Christ's ascension into heaven. This ascnension of Christ…

18 years ago

Vindicated by the Spirit (I Tim. 3:16; LD 17) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

Lord's day 17 of the Heidelberg Catechism lays out the significance of Christ's resurrection from the dead. Normally, we think…

18 years ago

He Descended into Hell (Heb. 4:14-5:10; LD 16) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

Lord's day 16 of the Heidelberg Catechism tells us that Christ descended into Hell. Does this mean that the second…

18 years ago

The Perfect Offering (Hebrews 9:12,14; LD 15) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

Lord's day 15 of the Heidelberg Catechism tells us that Christ suffered all of the days of his life, but…

18 years ago

Son of David and Son of God (Matthew 1; LD 14) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

Lord's day 14 of the Heidelberg Catechism addresses the issue of Jesus being the Son of God, but also son…

18 years ago

Our sonship in His Sonship (John 1:1-18, 3:16, 17; LD 13) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

Lord's day 13 of the Heidelberg Catechism tackles the issue of our sonship in Christ. As we seek to establish…

18 years ago

Why are You Called A Christian? (I Peter 2:1-12; LD 12) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

Thank you for downloading our Podcast published on February 25, 2007. Lord's day 12 of the Heidelberg Catechism defines what…

18 years ago

Christ Alone (Galatians 4:21-5:26; LD 11) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

Lord's day 11 of the Heidelberg makes very clear that the only way we have redemption is in Christ. This…

18 years ago

Sovereign Comfort (Matt. 10:26-33; LD 10) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

Lord's day 10 of the Heidelberg further defines the sovereign providence of God. As we appeal to Matthew 10 we…

18 years ago

God Proves His Sovereign Hand (Job 38-40:5) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

Thank you for downloading our Podcast published on February 4, 2007. Lord's day 9 of the Heidelberg Catechism answers the…

18 years ago

The Triune God (Deut. 6:4; Matt. 3:13-17) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

Thank you for downloading our Podcast published on January 28, 2007. Lord's day 8 of the Heidelberg Catechism answers the…

18 years ago

A Realization of Things Not Seen (Heb. 11:1-16) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

Thank you for downloading our Podcast published on January 21, 2007. Lord's day 7 of the Heidelberg Catechism answers the…

18 years ago

A Wholly Rigtheous Mediator | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

Thank you for downloading our Podcast published on January 14, 2007. There are some who claim that Christ did not…

18 years ago

What Historia Means to Me (Misc. Texts LD 5) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

This message is titled "What the Historia Means to Me: The Two Trees (sermon 3)" Rev. Lindemulder traces the probation…

18 years ago

What Historia Means to Me (I Corinthians 15:45 LD 4) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

We look at Heidelberg Catechism Lord's day 4. This message is titled "What the Historia Means to Me?" Rev. Lindemulder…

18 years ago

What Historia Means to Me (Romans 5:12-21 LD 3) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

We look at Heidelberg Catechism Lord's day 3. This message is titled "What the Historia Means to Me?" Rev. Lindemulder…

18 years ago

Which is the Greatest? (Matthew 22:35-40 LD 2) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

We look at Heidelberg Catechism Lord's day 2 Question and Answer 4. This message is titled Which is the Greatest?…

18 years ago

Children of Life (Ephesians 2:1-10 LD 1) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

We start over with the Heidelberg Catechism and look at Lord's day 1 Question and Answer 2. We titled this…

18 years ago

One Sacrifice or Re-Sacrificed? (I Cor. 10:7-18; LD 30) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

Question and Answer 80 of the Heidelberg Catechism tells us that the mass is a cursed idolatry. Why would the…

18 years ago

Prepare to Meet Your God (Amos 4:4-13)

We think back to when Christ was on this earth he inquired whether he could stay at a Samaritan village.…

18 years ago

Perseverance of the Saints (2): Summary of Dordt (1 Cor. 1:7,8)

Thank you for downloading our Podcast published on January 7, 2007. We finish our series of the Servant Songs in…

18 years ago

Perseverance of the Saints (1): Summary of Dordt (Heb. 6:4-6)

Thank you for downloading this podcast from Dec. 31, 2006. We arrive at the fifth head of doctrine titled "The…

18 years ago

Irresistible Grace(2): Summary of Dordt (Misc. Texts)

Thank you for downloading this podcast from Dec. 24, 2006. The Canons of Dordt lay out that the Arminian system…

18 years ago

Irresistible Grace(1): Summary of Dordt (Acts 7,Gal. 4:21-31)

Thank you for downloading this podcast from Dec. 17, 2006. Acts 7:51 states that You have resisted the Holy Spirit?…

18 years ago

Limited Atonement (2): Summary of Dordt (Ezekiel 34,John 10)

Jesus states that He is the good shepherd of the sheep that comes to gather His sheep to Himself. Is…

18 years ago

Limited Atonement: Summary of Dordt (John 3; I John 2:2)

We continue with our presentation of the five points of Calvinism. We move to the L of Tulip which is…

18 years ago

Unconditional Election (2): Summary of Dordt (Romans 9)

We continue with our presentation of the five points of Calvinism. We are still on the second point of Calvinism…

18 years ago