
Eliphaz's Appeal to Job (Job 22:1-30)

Eliphaz calls Job to reconsider his statement of innocence. It is time for Job to admit his guilt and inferiority…

17 years ago

The Wicked Prosper (Job 21:1-34)

Job responds to the claim that he suffers because he is wicked. Job reminds these counselors that he suffers and…

17 years ago

Zophar's Commentary (Job 20:1-29)

Zophar does not allow Job to rest in the assurance that his redeemer lives. Zophar makes his case that the…

17 years ago

The Humble Redeemer (Job 19:7-29)

Job states, "For I know that my redeemer lives." This is a very key passage for this is the place…

17 years ago

Insulting Counselors (Job 19:1-6)

Job is willing to concede the argument of the counselors to advance his argument in chapter 19. The counselors have…

17 years ago

Bildad's Exhortation (Job 18:1-22)

Job does not answer the questions or make his case with satisfaction because Bildad is compelled to speak against Job…

17 years ago

Job's Lament (Job 17:1-16)

Job continues with the speech where we left off regarding his suffering in this age. There is the issue of…

17 years ago

The Righteous Wisdom (Job 16:1-22)

The counselors have attacked Job. They have accused him of sinning in such a way that he deserves this suffering.…

17 years ago

The Wicked Man's Fate (Job 15:17-35)

Eliphaz continues with his speech. The point of this speech is to make clear that the people who suffer and…

17 years ago

Ironic Wisdom (Job 15:1-16)

The counselors take their second shot at Job. Eliphaz takes his chance to challenge Job to understand and heed the…

17 years ago

Resurrection Vindication (Job 14:1-22)

Job hopes like the tree and the other things in this age: the sprouting of new life. There is the…

17 years ago

What about Stealing? (Deut. 25:13-16; Eph. 4:28, LD 42) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

The command against stealing obviously means that we are not to take things that do not belong to us. However,…

17 years ago

Job's Risky Proposal(Job 13:13-28)

Job is making the case that he wants to meet with God. Job is so confident of his righteousness that…

17 years ago

Job's Challenge(Job 13:1-12)

Job knows that there is nothing that he has done that is wrong. He is confident that if he could…

17 years ago

A Mighty Suzereign (Job 12:13-25)

This is the next sermon that I can find in the series that we still have recorded. Here Job continues…

17 years ago

Job's Lawsuit Concludes (Job 10:1-22)

This is the conclusion of the speech. Job goes back to the request that he made in chapter 4 of…

17 years ago

Job's Lawsuit Continues (Job 9:20-34)

Job continues with the claim that he wants to dialogue with God. There is a problem that Job faces: God…

17 years ago

Job Replies (Job 9:1-19)

Job responds with the recollection of the intimidation of coming before the Lord. The Lord is the one who continues…

17 years ago

Bildad's Speech (Job 8:1-22)

Bildad responds to Job’s speech making the case again that Job does not understand the justice of God. We notice…

17 years ago

Job Questions the Wisdom of the Presiding Judge (Job 7:1-21)

Job questions the wisdom of God for watching man with such scrutiny. Why doesn’t God just leave Job alone so…

17 years ago

Congregation or Segregation? (Galatians 2:11-14)

"Can an apostle err? What are the implications for Paul rebuking Peter? Should we doubt the reliability of Peter’s letters?…

17 years ago

What about Adultery? (Lev. 18, Eph. 5:1-14, LD 41) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

When you ask the average person on the street about adultery the person will mostly likely tend to think of…

17 years ago

Circumcised from Moses (Galatians 2:1-10)

"In Him you were circumcised", says the apostle Paul. If we have been circumcised in Christ what is the significance…

17 years ago

What is Murder? (Ex. 21, Lev. 19, Jam. 2, LD 40) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

We know that murder is a horrible sin. However, is this merely taking the life of a person or is…

17 years ago

What is The New Family? (Gen. 3:16; Deut. 21:18-21; Col. 3:18-4:1; LD 39) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

The apostle Paul exhorts the church in Christ and Moses actually prescribes a situation when a son is to be…

17 years ago

Persecutor Turned Promoter(Galatians 1:11-24)

Why does the apostle Paul continue to remind the church that this gospel is not from man? Why does he…

17 years ago

The Troubling Tongue: James 3:1-12; HC 99

Rev Findley goes through James 3:1-12 and Heidelberg Catechism Q and A 99. He establishes that the new man is…

17 years ago

Unto Us a Child is Born (Isaiah 9:1-7)

Today we look at Isaiah's Warrior Child promised to come as the redeemer, deliverer, and vindicator of His people.

17 years ago

What About the Sabbath? (Ex. 31:12-29, Rev. 1:9-20; LD 38) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

The Lord says to Moses everyone who profanes the Sabbath must be put to death. The apostle John enters the…

17 years ago

Let Him Be Accursed (Galatians 1:6-10)

Why is it so provocative for Christ to state, "Today this scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing?" This is…

17 years ago

What is Blasphemy? (2) (Gen. 22:1-19; Heb. 6:13-20; LD 37) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

In Lord's Day 36 we established that we can make oaths, but they must not be made hastily. However, why…

17 years ago

Delivered Through Christ (Galatians 1:1-5)

Saul, Saul why are you persecuting me? Says the Glorified Christ from His heavenly enthronement to Saul of Tarsus. This…

17 years ago

The Remnant of Edom Preserved? (Amos 9:11-15)

The book of Amos concludes with the promise to possess the remnant of Edom. The Lord is the one who…

17 years ago

Israel Destroyed and Delivered (Amos 9:1-10)

We arrive at the climax of this book with the final vision of this book. In this vision the discloses…

17 years ago

What is Idolatry? (Deut. 18:9-14; Heb. 10:36; LD 34) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

There is the temptation to think that our current situation is inferior to that of the Old Testament. How do…

17 years ago

Exploited Exploiters (Amos 8:4-14)

I am the Lord of the Sabbath declares Christ. Why is it so significant that Christ self consciously knows himself…

17 years ago

Amaziah the Dissenter (Amos 7:10-8:3)

The kings in Israel were the people who modeled the reality of heaven. Amaziah, the priest of Bethel, honors this…

17 years ago

The Servant of the Lord: "Man of Sorrows" (Isaiah 52:13-53:12)

We finish our series of the Servant Songs in Isaiah. There is the unfolding of these songs in the covenant…

17 years ago

The Servant of the Lord: "From Judged to Judge" (Isaiah 50:4-11)

We conclude this year with the third servant song of the Lord. Here there is a disclosure for us to…

17 years ago

The Servant of the Lord: "Israel the Shepherd Gatherer" (Isaiah 49:1-7)

Isaiah's Servant of the Lord continues to develop. We find that this servant is a mighty warrior, but despite being…

17 years ago

The Servant of the Lord: "A Bruised Reed He will not Break"(Isaiah 42:1-9)

Who is this servant of the Lord? Why is He different from the kings and liberators of this age? Isaiah…

17 years ago

The Prayer of the Righteous (James 5:13-20)

Thank you for downloading our podcast published on May 6th, 2007. The book of James is about entering into the…

17 years ago

Saying Goodbye or Saying Hello? (James 5:13-16)

Thank you for downloading our Podcast published on April 29th, 2007. When Christ enters history we know that history can…

17 years ago

The Patience of Job (James 5:7-12)

Thank you for downloading our Podcast published on April 22nd, 2007. James tells us that the Lord is compassionate and…

17 years ago

Woe to Weak Wealthy (James 4:13-5:6)

James states in 4:9 that we are to be wretched, weep, and mourn. Here in this section James states something…

17 years ago

Judging the Law (James 4:11-12)

James makes reference to Leviticus 19 dealing with judging one another within the context of Israel. Why would James refer…

17 years ago

The Staccato Warning (James 4:6-10)

Continue to fight the good fight is what Paul says to Timothy. However, Christ rebukes Peter for drawing his sword.…

17 years ago

Not Peace but Division? (James 4:1-6)

The Lord of the kingdom of peace states that he does not come to bring peace, but division. This is…

17 years ago

Who is Wise? (James 3:13-18)

James begins this section with the question, "Who is wise in understanding among you? This is a question that is…

17 years ago

Who are My People? (Hosea 1:1-11, Romans 8:12-17, 9:22-26; LD 33) | 2006-2007 Catechism Sermons

When the Lord made his covenant with Abraham in Genesis 15 the Lord promised Abraham to have a great number…

17 years ago