
Ending in Heaven

Ending in Heaven Scripture: Hebrews 9:23-28 Preacher: Rev. David Inks   Sermon Outline: Introduction From Earth to Heaven (OC to…

1 year ago

Revelation, the End of the Line

Scripture: Revelation 1:9, 4, 5, 14:6-7, 22:1-5 (Read from ESV) Preacher: Rev. David Inks Sermon Outline: Introduction I. Outline: Whole…

7 years ago

Here Comes the Bride!

Scripture: Revelation 21:1-14 (Read from ESV) Preacher: Rev. David Inks Sermon Outline: Introduction I. The Bride's Intimacy (indwelling) 1-4 II.…

7 years ago

They Lived and Reigned with Christ

Scripture: Luke 20:34-38, John 5:25-29, Revelation 20:1-10 (Read from ESV) Preacher: Rev. David Inks Sermon Outline: Introduction I. Pre-Mill View…

7 years ago

The Meaning of the Millennium

Scripture: Matthew 12:28-29, Revelation 20:1-10 (Read from ESV) Preacher: Rev. David Inks Sermon Outline: Introduction I. Mapping out the Millennium…

7 years ago

The Final Bird Feeder

Scripture: Joshua 5:10-6:2, Isaiah 63:1-6, Ezekiel 39:17-20, Revelation 19:11-21 (Read from ESV) Preacher: Rev. David Inks Sermon Outline: Introduction I.…

7 years ago

Big Accident vs. Big Architect

Confession: Belgic Confession, Article 12 Scripture: Genesis 1:1-2:3 (Read from ESV) Preacher: Rev. David Inks Sermon Outline: Introduction I. Shape of…

7 years ago

Israel’s Babylonian Captivity

Scripture: Isaiah 48:18-21; Isaiah 52:1-11, Ephesians 2:12,19, 1 Peter 2:9-12, Revelation 18:1-8 (Read from ESV) Preacher: Rev. David Inks Sermon…

7 years ago

The Tumultuous Affair

Scripture: Revelation 17 (Read from ESV) Preacher: Rev. David Inks Sermon Outline: Introduction I. The Prostitute II. The Beast III.…

7 years ago

The Bible: Can We Know and Defend it as the Word of God?

Confession: Belgic Confession, Article 5 Scripture: Hebrews 12:18-29, Acts 2:14-42, 2 Peter 1:19-21 (Read from ESV) Preacher: Rev. David Inks Sermon…

7 years ago

Remember Revelation: Worship

Scripture: Revelation 1, Revelation 14:1-3 (Read from ESV) Preacher: Rev. David Inks Sermon Outline: Introduction I. The Consummation Christ DWELLS…

7 years ago

A Calling to Sacrifice

Scripture: Philippians 2:1-11 (Read from ESV) Preacher: Rev. Gary Findley Sermon Outline: Introduction - The Products of Paul's Prayers I.…

7 years ago

Part 3: The Last Plagues

Scripture: Revelation 16:10-21 (Read from ESV) Preacher: Rev. David Inks Sermon Outline: Introduction I. 5th Bowl — Darkness 10-11 II.…

7 years ago