What was the proper way to approach the temple of God?
Why is it that the man is unimpressed with God's gifts?
What does it mean to be transformed into an image Christ?
What does it mean to seek peace in the church?
Why do we complain that wicked are not being punished as they should be, but are quick to exonerate ourselves?
Glory departed, Glory lamented, and Glory returned.
Our speech, how does it affect us and everything else in our lives?
Apostle Paul and his analogy of The Armor of the King. Where is coming from and where is he going…
How is it that we believe, the things that we believe? How is it that we come to believe the…
Seeing Jesus through the Ninth Commandment of the God's Law.
Why were people of the Old Testament so concerned about an offspring, particularly a son?
How can God's law be a love, joy, and a delight to us? How can it help us guide others…
The death of Stephen isn't an odd thing and it's not some bizarre moment. It's an ordinary day in a…
What is the emphasis in the parable of the weeds and the wheat? What is it that the Christ is…
Epistle to Colossians is an epistle primarily for gentiles, what are we to learn from it?
What are we being taught in the parable of the sower? What is the message that Christ is trying to…
Sometimes the big picture is harder to understand.
Apostle Peter's sermon and a powerful reaction that it leads to.
Have you thought of your Baptism lately?
Summary of Christian duty, what is its purpose, prominence, and prescription?
Jewel of holiness, jewel humility, and jewel honesty. Life jewels for the life crown.
Jesus paid it all! Full satisfaction to God's justice has been accomplished.
What is the communion with God? How do we enter it?
There are many ways that people try to cope with problems of life. What is the christian way? What will…
Apostle Paul, feeling conflicted about what the future has in store for him.
How does epistle of James compare to other biblical books and scriptures? Can we favor one scripture over the other?
In Lord's Day 36 we established that we can make oaths, but they must not be made hastily. However, why…
Committing blasphemy under the Mosaic time was pretty obvious. As we examine Leviticus 24 we see a concrete case where…