James Sermons

The book of James is one of the harder books to understand in the New Testament. This was a difficult book to preach, but I found the the theology of James very edifying.

The Prayer of the Righteous (James 5:13-20)

Thank you for downloading our podcast published on May 6th, 2007. The book of James is about entering into the…

18 years ago

Saying Goodbye or Saying Hello? (James 5:13-16)

Thank you for downloading our Podcast published on April 29th, 2007. When Christ enters history we know that history can…

18 years ago

The Patience of Job (James 5:7-12)

Thank you for downloading our Podcast published on April 22nd, 2007. James tells us that the Lord is compassionate and…

18 years ago

Woe to Weak Wealthy (James 4:13-5:6)

James states in 4:9 that we are to be wretched, weep, and mourn. Here in this section James states something…

18 years ago

Judging the Law (James 4:11-12)

James makes reference to Leviticus 19 dealing with judging one another within the context of Israel. Why would James refer…

18 years ago

The Staccato Warning (James 4:6-10)

Continue to fight the good fight is what Paul says to Timothy. However, Christ rebukes Peter for drawing his sword.…

18 years ago

Not Peace but Division? (James 4:1-6)

The Lord of the kingdom of peace states that he does not come to bring peace, but division. This is…

18 years ago

Who is Wise? (James 3:13-18)

James begins this section with the question, "Who is wise in understanding among you? This is a question that is…

18 years ago

Untamable Tongue (James 3:1-12)

James says that we all stumble in many ways. However, James also says that no human being can tame their…

18 years ago

Justified by Works? (James 2:14-26)

James says "that a person is justified by works and not by faith alone." This sounds like James is contradicting…

18 years ago