Catechism Sermons 2013

The Perfect Man, Lord's Day 43, James 3:1-12

Our speech, how does it affect us and everything else in our lives?

11 years ago

The Armor of the King, Lord's Day 45, Ephesians 6:10-20

Apostle Paul and his analogy of The Armor of the King. Where is coming from and where is he going…

11 years ago

The Ninth Commandment, Heidelberg Catechism QA 112.mp3

Seeing Jesus through the Ninth Commandment of the God's Law.

11 years ago

The Eighth Commandment, Heidelberg Catechism LD 42, Exodus 20:15

How can God's law be a love, joy, and a delight to us? How can it help us guide others…

11 years ago

A Prayerful Introduction, Heidelberg Catechism QA 116, Colossians 1:1-14

Epistle to Colossians is an epistle primarily for gentiles, what are we to learn from it?

11 years ago

Why Parables? Heidelberg Catechism QA 31, Mathew 13:10-17

Sometimes the big picture is harder to understand.

11 years ago

Paid in Full, LD 30 (Hebrews 10:1-25)

Jesus paid it all! Full satisfaction to God's justice has been accomplished.

11 years ago

Sons of God (LD 13; Ephesians 1:5)

Our understanding of Christianity is that God is distinct from his creatures. This means that man is not God and…

12 years ago

Living as Redeemed Pilgrims (LD 12; 1 Peter 2:1-12)

We find ourselves in the year 2013. This is 2,013 years after Christ has entered into history. That timeframe is…

12 years ago

Because He Saves Us From Our Sins (LD 11; Matthew 1:18-25)

There are many names that God uses to describe Himself. These names certainly put us, and his people through the…

12 years ago