Catechism Sermons 2009-2010

Who is This Christ? (Luke 4:16-30; LD 12) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

There are many people who are anointed for a particular task. This anointing, Messiah or Christ, is applied to kings,…

16 years ago

What is in a Name? (Matthew 1:18-25; LD 11) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

The Old Testament in scripture has many plays on people’s names. Today, when children are named, we mostly choose the…

16 years ago

Can We Be Separated from the Love of God? (Romans 8:31-39; LD 10) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

We believe that God is sovereign and all powerful. He promises to defeat Satan in the opening of scripture. This…

16 years ago

Our Preserving Father (2 Peter 2:4-10; BC 12; LD 9) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

False teachers are predicted to enter into the church. There have been angelic rebellions against the Lord. Did God create…

16 years ago

Why a Trinitarian Baptism? (Matthew 28:16-20; LD 8) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

We have seen in the past few weeks that there are two adams. There is the first Adam who plunged…

16 years ago

Universal or Particular Redemption? (Romans 5:12-21; 1 Corinthians 15:20-28, 45; LD 7) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

The Apostle Paul tells us that all are condemned in Adam and all are justified in Christ. Does this mean…

16 years ago

How Can A Suffering Servant Be King? (Isaiah 53; 1 Peter 2; BC 20; LD 6) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

Peter takes the suffering servant song and applies it to us and Christ. However, when Peter does this he arranges…

16 years ago

What Man Can Redeem? (1 Corinthians 15:20-28; BC 14; LD 5) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

The Apostle Paul states, " If Christ is not raised then let us eat and drink for tomorrow we die."…

16 years ago

Guilty by Association (Gen. 2:17; Rom. 5:18-19; LD 4) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

The fall of man has eternal consequences. This means that history can never be the same. However, we do believe…

16 years ago

Eternal or Grave Consequences? (Belgic Confession Article 14; Genesis 2:17; Matthew 25:46) | 2009-2010 Catechism Sermons

All people have experienced death to some degree. This can range from grieving the death of an animal to the…

16 years ago