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Acts of a Christian
Confession: Heidelberg Catechism, Lord’s Day 12, QA 31-32
Scripture: Various (Read from ESV)
Preacher: Rev. Gary Findley
I. Act of Confession
II. Act of Consecration
III. Act of Confrontation
III. Act of Coronation
A. Because he has been ordained by God the Father and has been anointed with the Holy Spirit to be our chief prophet and teacher who fully reveals to us the secret counsel and will of God concerning our deliverance; our only high priest who has delivered us by the one sacrifice of his body, and who continually intercedes for us before the Father; and our eternal king who governs us by his Word and Spirit, and who guards us and keeps us in the deliverance he has won for us.
A. Because by faith I am a member of Christ and so I share in his anointing. I am anointed to confess his name, to present myself to him as a living sacrifice of thanks, to strive with a free conscience against sin and the devil in this life, and afterward to reign with Christ over all creation for eternity.
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